
I did it! I resigned from my job that I have been at for 7 years. It is the right decision, yet I still feel this empty pit in my stomach. I know I am not alone, as there are zillion other mom’s out there who have put off their careers to provide a nurturing environment for their children. Being a parent is a thankless but important job. Regardless of my feelings, my decision is the best choice for my family.

I suppose my feelings of sadness and uncertainty is normal for such a significant change. I’m uncertain where my career future will take me and how can I financially contribute to my household. I know there is time to figure it all out and like I said, there are a zillion of women balancing both (kudos). I just know for me, I cannot. I cannot be present and focused with my daughter and work full time. Don’t forget the rigorous role of diabetes management!!!!

Anyways, regardless of my discomfort there are so many benefits that I must focus on. I am the healthiest and happiest I have ever been. I am proud to be a mom and wife to two of the most amazing human beings on this planet. I’m excited to see what is in store and to continue to work on my contract job in the interim.